• Brain Tumors
  • Skull Base and Spinal Cord Tumors
  • Pituitary Adenomas
  • Brain Hemorrhages
  • Waist and Neck Pain
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Cerebellar Ptosis
  • Spasticity Treatment

Cerebellar Ptosis

Hydrocephalus occurs when the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is in constant circulation between the brain and the spinal cord, accumulates on the obstruction, and the expansion of the spinal canal, that is, syringomyelia, occurs with the strong pressure coming from the brain to overcome the obstruction. Hydrocephalus and syringomyelia can also be seen in other diseases or alone.

Severe headache occurs when fluid accumulates in the brain, called “hydrocephalus”. The diagnosis is made by computerized #omogrefi. “Syringomyelia” is the accumulation of fluid in the spinal cord. If left untreated, syringomyelia can cause progressive and devastating damage to the spinal cord. There is a loss of sensation and strength in the arms. Usually, the first signs are pain and loss of heat sensation in the affected nerve areas. Burns occur that the person does not notice on their limbs.

In Amold-Chiari malformation, gait disorders due to compression of the brainstem and cerebellum, involuntary movements called “nystagmus” in the eyes, difficulty in swallowing especially liquid foods, nasal speech called nasal speech can be seen.

In most cases with this disorder, there is a slight prolapse of the cerebellum from the skull pit to the spinal canal, but there is no significant compression. In this case, the symptoms we mentioned have not yet occurred. These people can be followed up without the need for surgical treatment. Surgical treatment is applied to patients who show signs of congestion in the examination or tests of the person. o The basic principle in surgery is to relieve the trapped area. For this, the nape root and the upper two posterior bones of the cervical vertebra are removed, and the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord is expanded with a patch and the congestion is relieved. This process is called “decompression”.

In patients who continue to accumulate fluid in the brain or spinal cord (hydrocephalus & syringomyelia) despite this treatment, a system called a “shunt” is placed to drain fluid into body cavities.

Since the first symptoms of the disease are remarkable, it is usually diagnosed early and patients can continue their normal lives without loss of function. In cases whose treatment is delayed for some reason and progresses, severe neurological conditions such as severe gait disorder, loss of fine skills of the hand, and swallowing disorder may occur.